First, we love our clients. That’s what inspired me to write this blog. We have the best clients, but part of that is because many of them come from referrals. So our great clients bring us more great clients. But not everyone is as fortunate as we are. Here’s what you can do to turn things around when you and your clients aren’t BFFs.
Get to the Bottom of the Feelings
What is it that you don’t like about the client? Are they disorganized, demanding, high maintenance or some other trait that doesn’t fit with the way you like to work? Often we teach people how to treat us by accommodating their bad behavior. Setting expectations the next time they demand something from you will help both of you. Let them know your timeline and how changes will affect it.
Be prepared that they may walk away. If they do, know that this opens a space for your ideal client.
This Client Is Not Your Ideal
Often businesses try to be all things to all people. When this happens, it’s like trying to fit a puzzle piece in a place that it doesn’t belong. When you know who your ideal client is and what it takes to make them happy, the pieces will all fit and everyone will have a more enjoyable experience.
Open Up to the Client
If you’re having a tough time of it, chances are your client feels it too. Open up to them and ask them if they’re happy with the situation. By talking it out you may come to realize the angst you feel is really pressure they’re getting from their boss or some other source. Whenever possible, have this conversation in person. It’s critical for you to be able to read non-verbal clues in what could be a difficult conversation.
Not every client will be your next BFF. Some share very different world views and views on business. But as long as they fall into your ideal client demographic, it’s worth trying to salvage the relationship.
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