Summertime is vacation time, so things are often a bit slower around the office. Or maybe it’s winter that’s your slow season. Either way, you probably have a season or maybe only a month each year where business is not quite what you’d like.
Whether your employees or your clients (or both) have hightailed it to the beach or the pool, chances are you could have a little extra time on your hands. Don’t just worry it away. Use it to tie up some loose ends. Regardless of when your slow time is, it’s the perfect time to consider evaluating some aspects of your business strategy.
Regardless of when your slow time is, it’s the perfect time to consider evaluating some aspects of your business strategy.
Business Strategy Ideas
Review Your Sales Process
Take a look at every step of your sales process and determine what’s working and what’s not. Asking questions like:
- Where are we attaining our highest conversion rates?
- Where are we getting the most engagement from our prospects?
- Where are we losing the most deals?
can help you give some thought to areas for improvement. Once you answer these questions, you can tweak any parts that aren’t working and move forward.
Set Objectives
If your business is doing well, you may not be spending that much time on trying to find new prospects or developing new marketing ideas. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right? Well, if you’re not moving forward, you’re moving backward. So what are some marketing tactics you’d like to try out? Or is there a new client or industry you would like to target? There are countless opportunities available, you just need some time to figure out which are most important to you.
Rank Your Clients
It’s always a good idea to prioritize your clients, because there may come a point when you can’t invest time and money on the clients who aren’t providing a big enough return on investment. You should also define your ideal client so that you have a firm handle on the type of client you want to pursue. Eventually, you should get to the point where you hand pick your clients and only do business with people who fit your business model.
How do you use your downtime? Share it with us.
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