If you operate a small business you’re probably pressed for time. Who isn’t these days?
Social media is also probably a task you avoid because you don’t see instantaneous results. Yet, building those relationships is very important to your business. While relationships can’t be automated, there are several social media steps that can be. Here are some ways you can save time:
Social Media Time-Saving Tips for Business
Schedule Is Not a Four-letter Word
You can’t schedule a relationship but you can schedule a post. You will still need to set aside time to connect with people and have conversations but automating the posting process will help you share good content without sacrificing much time. Here’s an article on how to do it effectively. Some of the scheduling software even have content suggestions. These could be very helpful if you’re in the right business. Check out Post Planner and HootSuite for schedulers with content ideas.
If you write a blog post, share the blog multiple times with different lead ins in each social post. For instance if your blog post is 12 Ways to Get the Most from Your Car, a post to Twitter might be “New car? Here’s how to get the most from it.” A post to Facebook might read “Ever wonder what your mechanic would tell you if you were listening?”
Then use a quote from the post to create an image quote. Share this as well. Make the topic a larger conversation on social media by asking about the main point of the post. State your argument and ask people if they agree or ask them what they would add or what their experience is with the topic. You can also share the same content across multiple social platforms but keep it in the tone of the platform. Silly memes don’t have a place on LinkedIn anymore than serious pieces gain traction on Facebook. People go to each of these sites for different reasons. Keep that in mind.
Farm It Out
What is your time worth? You can turn to a virtual assistant for very little money but make sure s/he knows exactly what your goals are with social media and what you like to share. This does not absolve you of having conversations on social and building relationships but it will make content curation quicker for you.
The best thing you can do for yourself to save time on social media is to collect good content. Good content not only gives you plenty to share but will also inspire your own posts. Look into Google Alerts, Mention, and Feedly for ways to have good content with your desired keywords delivered right to you.
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