Small business owners have to be master networkers, but there’s only so much time you can dedicate to taking part in all the events that go on in your town. That’s where the phrase, “work smarter, not harder” comes into play. You don’t physically have to be at every single community event as long as your marketing and promotional items are there.
YOU and your business can be at any event when you have great swag as a marketing tool.
There are lots of ways to market your business by being part of swag bags and giveaways at all sorts of places and events going on in your town. Make your swag work for you by being part of any and all giveaway bags, and then you don’t actually need to be physically being present.
How Do I Choose the Right Swag Bag for My Business?
When it comes to swag bags, you might be asking yourself:
What kinds of events even have swag bags?
There’s a swag solution for nearly every demographic. When selecting what to participate in, make sure you choose an event your ideal customer attends.
Almost every event gives out some sort of swag bag, prize, or needs a sponsor. 5K races are great examples, and a quick Google search will show you all the races, marathons, and triathlons happening around you. A lot of them are themed around holidays as well, such as a Halloween Fun Run or a “Turkey Trot” before Thanksgiving.
There’s also fairs and festivals. Have you been to a fair and they have a goodie bag right at the front, filled with all sorts of information, local goods, and coupons? Make sure you are part of that swag bag. Neighborhood Block Parties are also events that give out swag bags.
School carnivals are another great event for your swag to be given out. You can also consider being a sponsor – perhaps you can donate the actual bags, with your logo of course, and then every participant goes home with your business name right on display.
Don’t forget events thrown by your local chamber or main street organization. They are very well connected in the community.
Besides just swag bags, think about ways you can be involved in local fundraisers as well. Can you donate some of your products or a gift card to your store with an additional coupon for future visits? Lots of events have swag bags, and doing a little research will help you find them.
But, none of those events really pertain to my business….
You might not be a running business geared toward kids, but the customers participating have varying interests. If you limit yourself to events that are 100% related to your business, you are really decreasing your marketing potential. Don’t think about the event. Think about who the event attracts. If you don’t know, you can bet the event marketing person can tell you.
How do I know I’m actually getting a return on my swag bag investment?
When customers come into your store or business, ask how they heard about you. You can also create specific flyers and coupons to include with your swag for customers to bring with them, then you know exactly which event they got your information from. Creating a coupon code for each event can also provide insights into return. When customers use the code, you know how they found out about you.
Wouldn’t it be better to have a booth at events rather than just be inside the swag bag?
A booth is great….if you have the time, money, and resources to staff it. With swag bags, you give your items to the event organizers, and they do all the work for you! They stuff the bags and hand them out. Your only cost really is the swag itself (and any other sponsorship opportunities you avail yourself of).
The key to getting your business name out there is not necessarily being at every event, but knowing about events going on in your neighborhood and making sure a piece of your business is there in some way. Coupons and promotional items are a great marketing tool that will bring customers to your business.
Utilize those swag bags to build up your clientele!
Need help selecting the right swag? Contact us today.
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