This is so exciting! You’re launching your dream. Good for you.
But if you’re like most entrepreneurs, you’re bootstrapping it and funds are hard to come by. You don’t have a lot of money to buy a lot of branded items so what ones will make a difference and help you grow your business? Here are a few tips on how to find the right promotional items to do that without breaking the budget:
Branded Organizers or iPad Cases
There’s a fine line between looking professional and looking like you’re spending someone else’s money frivolously. If you are looking for angel investors, you want to seem like an organization that has its act together but one that is smart about expenses as well. A branded organizer or iPad case yields a professional look but is very affordable. It also will get noticed when you are in meetings or giving presentations. This type of gift is perfect for employees as well. It makes them feel a part of something huge.
Tech Swag
If you plan to attend events on behalf of your startup, you need something that will grab attention. Pens, while a classic giveaway, do not say “cutting-edge innovation.” You need something that shows you are part of the in crowd such as VR goggle kits or solar charging stations.
Apparel and Gifts
One of the largest struggles startups have is getting their name out there. But one of the advantages they have over more established businesses is that generally, your employees have a lot more skin in the game. They wear many hats and are thus very invested in your success. Because if this, they are prime candidates for wearing branded items. With startups, there is often a youthful vigor so you needn’t think traditional button downs as an option. Instead, a beanie hat or suspenders may fit your audience demographic and your workforce better.
Another way to get noticed is by surprising and delighting your customers. You want to keep them engaged and get them talking about you. A small gesture/giveaway that surprises them with their order can go a long way to capturing their hearts. Building loyalty early on is one of the best ways to solidify your future success.
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