Summer is on its way, and for a lot of the country, that means the already hot real estate market is about to heat up even more. Start preparing yourself now for the busy season by thinking about your giveaway and promotional items with these fantastic ideas.
You have three main constituents to think about when deciding on real estate swag and giveaway items:
- current buyers
- current sellers
- potentials
All of these markets are very different.
Buyers and sellers are thinking about you because they’re actively working with you. The swag you give them will reflect an appreciation for working together/giving you their business.
Your potential clients, on the other hand, are people who own homes in popular neighborhoods or they may buy a home in the future. When they’re in the market, you want to be the person they call. Giveaways and promotional items are all about name and brand recognition, so when they are ready to put their house on the market or want to find one, they need your contact information and need to think of you.
Each of these three audiences is an opportunity to further advertise your business and keep or grow your customer base. Here are some giveaway ideas based on each category:
Perfect Swag for Home Buyers
When you find the ideal home for your buyers, it’s a time to celebrate. Choose items that will make them feel right at home as they start building a new future.
A welcome mat is a great, first addition to their new home. You could also consider other household items they will need, such as an oven mitt, chip clip, letter opener, and cups or a mug. Pick items that will remind them of “home” and create that homey feeling as they move into their new place. Select things that will go with any decor.
A wall calendar with local event reminders or a desk calendar will get used again and again by the new homeowners. Calendars make wonderful closing gifts.
Ideas for Swag for Home Sellers
For your sellers, think about items you can give them that they can then use as referral tools, such as small giveaways they can take with them and pass along when they have friends or family looking to sell their house. Good referral items, besides just your business card (make sure you give them plenty of those), include pens, chocolates, and mints. Yep, you can get chocolates and mint tins personalized!
You can also have items out at an Open House to give away. While the items won’t cause someone to buy the house, it may help differentiate one house from another when potential buyers are viewing many of them.
Use a catchy slogan on your giveaways to increase top of mind marketing. It’s a great way to be remembered.
Also for your sellers, think about items they may want to take with them to their new home. You can reuse a lot of the ideas from gifts to give your buyers, but you could also give them items that are unique to your town and something to remember their old neighborhood by. Then, when they are in the market to sell again, they will remember the great experience they had with you.
Landing Potential Clients with Swag
Lastly, you have your giveaways for potential clients. These are items that will reach a universal audience, from people who contact you looking for a realtor to an entire neighborhood or area. Choose items that are easy to mail. These can be small calendars, notebooks, and sticky notes. Always make sure your phone number and email are included on the items so they can easily contact you.
You have a variety of people you serve, as well as potential clients right in your neighborhood. As a real estate agent, it is important to make sure you stand out among your peers. With a variety of promotional items, we can help you find the ideal giveaway for your audience.
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