Your business website is like your online receptionist and it needs to be smart, quick to answer, and helpful. After all, your website is representing your business even when you’re not there. Of course, you need all of your company information, your hours, and other business critical information. So why is it so many people forget this one little thing when it comes to website content?
So why is it so many people forget this one little thing when it comes to website content?
According to Social Media Today, 71% of 16-64 year-olds on the Internet use it to find solutions when they have an issue with a product or service.
Your Customers Need Information and Your Website Can Provide It
Going off of that, it is essential that you have solutions that are easily accessible on your business website. These solutions vary based on what service you provide or what product you sell. If you sell only a few products, you can create helpful video tutorials on getting the most out of them.
You can also include a frequently asked questions section or common source of frustrations (but make sure you name this last section something else like Most Efficient Uses for the Widget or What to Do If Your Widget Won’t Start.) While you don’t want to sound like these problems happen frequently, you also want to add enough of the keywords and problems so that people who are searching for answers to their issues find your results ahead of your competitors.
That’s easy enough to do, but what if you sell a number of products or services?
If that’s the case, create a general help/information area. You can place it on your Contact Us page. It could include info on warranties or guarantees on service delight. But it should have its own header to help with search.
Remember, people often search in question form like “How do I fix the cap on my widget?”. Incorporating as much of those commonly-asked questions on your products as possible will help in search. It will also assist you in satisfying your customers after business hours, saving them hours of frustration.
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