Twitter was is an amazing social media platform and I don’t want to be one of those bandwagon jumpers who says that it’s glory days are over but I am noticing a LOT of noise out there. I used to use Twitter as a newspaper, where I followed people who interested me, and then read the “headlines” of what they were writing about. When a topic caught my eye, I clicked, and read more.
It’s getting a lot harder to do that because it all sounds the same, kind of like being in a foreign market or bazaar where everyone is hocking a different product and yelling at you to come see what they have.
So what’s breaking Twitter? A lot of people ruining the experience for others and turning them off. If you’re on Twitter for business stay away from these things.
5 Ways to Make People Hate You on Twitter
Me, Me, Me.
All your posts, all the time.
No Image
Okay, this one won’t make people hate you but no one will stop and look at what you have to say. There are too many other shiny things out there.
All Lengthy, Click-Through Posts
Lengthy for Twitter is 139 characters, so it’s all relative, but sometimes people just want to get the gist of what you’re saying without having to click. So switch it up. Do some posts that are click-throughs to articles and others that give your audience the idea right then and there.
Vaguebooking works on Facebook because some of those people in your friend stream actually care about you. That’s not always the case on Twitter. Don’t post things like, “Wondering…” in your Twitter business stream. That’s a desperate cry for attention and no one will hear it over the fire hose of information that is this platform.
Quotes that Mean Nothing
Quotes are incredibly popular on Twitter so occasionally people are moved to become armchair philosophers. This doesn’t work for a large percentage of the population. If you’re going to quote yourself, make sure it’s really good and something that will be of value to your audience.
What do you think? What are your Twitter pet peeves?
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