Many small businesses utilize holidays as a means for promoting their brand. So why not take it a step further and incorporate hashtag holidays in your content marketing campaigns? After all, each day of the month is commemorated by all kinds of unique holidays, and there are sure to be a few you can use to promote your small business. But before diving headfirst into your research to find the perfect holiday hashtags, you should consider these three important questions.
Is Each Hashtag Holiday Relevant to Your Brand?
While not everything you do has to be brand relevant (some of it can just be fun), it does need to be in line with it in some way. If you celebrate every holiday on the list, you may not only annoy your followers but could potentially lose out on sales if your posts become too convoluted and occur too often. After all, 57% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase from a business they follow on social media and 75% have been influenced by social channels to make a purchase. So take some time to determine what speaks to your audience, not someone else’s.
Are You Using the Right Hashtag?
Once you determine which hashtag holidays are right for your small business, make sure you are using the correct hashtags. Hashtags evolve over time. You want the most current and popular. Or you may think you’re using the official hashtag, but instead, you may be using one that’s slightly different. An easy remedy for this is to research message volume and sharing data between the two hashtags on Google before using. For instance, which one is used more–#PirateDay or #TalkLikeaPirateDay or #TLPD?
Does the Hashtag Holiday Coincide with a Major Holiday?
Always be aware of national, federal, and religious holidays, along with any global events that may be taking place during your hashtag holiday campaign. You don’t want to offend any of your customers and followers by celebrating #ToyDay during a religious holiday. It’s okay to mention both or to err on the side of the more popular national or religious holiday. Save your #ToyDay celebration for next year.
If you plan far enough ahead you can even use a hashtag holiday to inspire your next promotional marketing blitz.
Do you celebrate hashtag holidays? If so, what’s your favorite for your business?
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