It’s hard to believe it’s almost here but if you have an event coming up in June or you want to celebrate one of the ones below, we’re fast approaching the order deadline. Here are some of the most popular national days of recognition and celebration. Using them can be a fun way to call […]
Why You Need Promotional Products Now More Than Ever
Today with social media and other “inside tracks” people want free more than ever and they’re getting it. Free information, free resources, free samples, and free services. That’s why it’s more important than ever to your sales strategy to give people promotional items. Why You Need Promotional Products More Than You Think Promotional products […]
What’s a Brand?
This is a complicated question in today’s market. Brands used to be owned by the companies that produced the product or service. The company could do as it wished — change a logo, alter a recipe, tap a new audience. Today, things are much more complicated. Fans and loyal customers feel an ownership stake in […]
3 Ways to Keep a Remote Workforce Engaged
A lot of people think promotional marketing is all about trade shows and pens. But there are a lot more uses for it then that. One of them is employee engagement. But throwing a disengaged employee some swag won’t turn them around and put them back on happy ground. You need to cultivate constant engagement, […]