The final installment of our golf series, which detailed how to organize a successful golf outing and how to market one months in advance, ends with last-minute ways to drive numbers to your golf outing. These marketing tips are painless and easy. Pay for It One way to get people’s attention at the last minute […]
Pro Tips to Market Your Next Golf Outing
In the first post about putting together a golf outing, we talked about the things you needed to arrange in order to host a successful event. Today we’re going to walk though marketing your event months out. It’s less overwhelming than you might think when you break the job down into manageable pieces. Send Out […]
4 Easy Preliminary Steps to a Successful Golf Outing
While we live in a place of perpetual sunshine, where golfing is a year-round activity, we know not everyone does. If you live up north, you’ll appreciate that golf season is here again and with it come golf outings, tournaments, and events. Are you ready to coordinate one for your company or non-profit? After reading […]
Tips for Improving Your Hotel’s Promotional Product Strategy
If you’re the GM of a hotel, or someone involved in purchasing decisions, you may just keep placing reorders of what you’ve been doing for years. But think about how much other aspects of your business have changed. Your promotional marketing strategies should as well. Here are a few good places to start: Improve […]