Your staff can be a very important part of your social media marketing. However, if your business is suffering from low morale or an undefined culture, you need to work that out first. Employees who are “just not that into you” will never be effective Brandistas. Assuming all is right with the culture and your […]
How to Make the Most of Hotel Reviews for Your Business
Hotel reviews provide your business with some critical information but if you’re not using them, you’re missing out on an opportunity to stand out from the competition. Easy Tips to Make the Most of Hotel Reviews for Your Business Have you ever logged onto TripAdvisor or any other review sites? Of course you have, […]
Tips on Empowering Your Employees for the Good of Your Customer
“I can’t do that, ma’am.” Ever heard those words or something similar from an employee of a business you’re patronizing? Whether you’re calling your insurance company or dining at a restaurant, those words are all too common. They’re also, for the most part, grammatically incorrect because it’s most often not an issue of “can’t,” but of […]
Calendars That Get Your Business Noticed
In today’s world some people believe smart phones and Google have nearly made calendars obsolete. But that’s not the case. Here’s why and how you can get your business noticed with calendars. Do people still sit in bland office spaces or cubicles surrounded by blank walls? Sure they do. A calendar offers a new scene […]