Can you name the seven deadly sins? You know…sloth, envy…. Well, promotional marketing has its own list. Here goes: The 7 Deadly Sins of Promotional Marketing Equality Being frugal is great, but thinking a $.05 key chain is going to convert into a big sale is naive. Match your promotional item with the sales […]
3 Things Your Competitors Can Teach You
Swimming coaches will tell you to worry about your own race and not think about the other guy. There was a famous meme his summer that showed Phelps narrowly edging out his competition because the other swimmer was watching him instead of the lane. The image became a popular meme with the caption of “Winners focus […]
5 Holiday Marketing Tips Plus a Holiday Bonus
I know, if you’re still reeling from pumpkin hitting the stores September 1st, you’re really not ready to hear that the holidays are just around the corner. But they are and you can’t ignore them. Okay, you can but you don’t want to. It’s not only a top time of consumer spending but it’s also […]
3 Reasons Your Small Business Needs a Web Presence
There’s probably a disconnect in writing about having a web presence on an electronic medium since people who don’t have one, probably aren’t reading blogs but I’m writing it anyway. Because it’s no longer a nice to have. It’s a necessity for all businesses. Here’s why: Why Your Business Needs a Web Presence I’m […]