If you own a small business, you may not think you have the budget to create quality content marketing videos. You also may think that you need to be a professional to shoot your videos. Well, neither is true. Here are four simple tips to help tell your story without breaking the bank or […]
10 Reasons Your Business Needs to Be on Instagram
Only 9% of small businesses utilize Instagram, yet engagement is 10x higher than Facebook and its growth rate is phenomenal. Here are 10 reasons why you shouldn’t miss the boat with Instagram. Many of us are visual learners, or at least visually stimulated, so it’s no wonder Instagram is growing five times faster than […]
10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs to Be on Pinterest
There’s a little-known fact among non-marketers about Pinterest–people go there to shop. They’re in a “spend” mindset. Women (about 76% of site visitors are female) go to the site to plan their dream wedding, house, nursery, vacation, even love poetry. Here are a few stats that will help you see why your business needs to […]
3 Ways to Help Make Millennials Loyal Customers
One in three adults will be a millennial by 2020, so understanding what their demographic wants in an online shopping experience is imperative because their love of technology helps influence how they shop. The majority of millennials prefer to shop online, can be defined as brand loyalists, and they rely heavily on online product reviews. So […]