Your website is incredibly important because it’s the side of your business that never sleeps. Its “doors” are always open and it’s making an impression all day and every day.
Know, like, and trust are essential to the buying process these days and if your content and social media interactions aren’t aimed at imparting these feelings on your audience, you’re wasting your time.
Let’s take your website, for instance. If you create good, consistent content and do your part in making sure people know about it, you will get found. Once they find you, establishing trust early in their visit is essential to them returning. Here are a few easy tips to do that.
How to Establish Trust on Your Business Website
Give people what they’re looking for. Right away in an easy to find location.
Don’t oversell your product or service. Bragging about yourself is so 1999. Let data and customer stories do it for you.
Admit inadequacies. This is hard to do but if you’re comparing your product or service to someone else and there’s a feature they do better, admit it. This builds an incredible amount of trust quickly because you just admitted a weakness to no benefit of your own. You were looking out solely for the benefit of your audience. People appreciate that sort of thing. Now they can trust the rest of what you’re saying.
Tell your story. You’re not there to meet your potential customer so make sure your website reflects who you and your business are. Don’t forget your blog.
Use regular language. Delete all of your corporate speak. Keep your tone real.
Vary your media. This is another way to humanize your website. It gives people the opportunity to see different sides of you through video, written content, and visual content.
Add logos or social proof. If you belong to associations, your local chamber, or other organizations that impart trustworthiness, showcase them on your website. If not, use customer testimonials with pictures of your customers. When there’s a business with no affiliations, no social proof or customer testimonials, people worry about their legitimacy, unless they already know them.
Your website has a big job to do but it can’t do it alone. It should never be a static brochure for your company. Change your content often and give your potential customers what they want.
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